Everyone needs help every now and then. No one has gotten to where they are without some assistance along the way. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. When we need help, it’s natural to ask for it from those who possess strengths in certain areas where we are not so strong. SQ Productions possesses strength in web technologies, photography and video production, and we know customers will come to us to solve problems or fulfill needs in these areas. Likewise, our business seeks help from others who have strengths in heating & air conditioning systems or automotive repair.
The key is to have an on-going relationship with your service providers. Because you purchased a new car, doesn’t mean you won’t need any maintenance performed on that car.
The same applies to your website. Once your website is finished, you shouldn’t be left hanging in limbo. Technologies change. Trends change. Your business model will change. Your website will need to be updated to reflect those changes and move with technology. In theory, a website is truly never finished.
The key is to have an on-going relationship with your service providers. Because you purchased a new car, doesn’t mean you won’t need any maintenance performed on that car.
Updating your website’s content should be easy. Most open source content management systems, like WordPress, allow anyone to login and make simple changes to their websites on their own. We now build all of our websites in WordPress. It’s so easy to use and such an amazing community of developers and users, it’s no surprise that many successful companies like The New Yorker, Sony Music, and Best Buy, use WordPress to manage their content.
After your robust website is built, you shouldn’t be left to fend for yourself. You’ll need support. Every website will need it. You’ll need text changed, photos and slideshows changed, blogs added, prices updated, and menus updated. You may need to work out some issues that may arise as your business changes or as technology changes. Perhaps you want to be able to make some changes on your own or hire an employee to admin the site. No matter what scenario, you will need support or training on how to make certain advanced changes and when that time comes, you’ll want to be able to do it affordably. There are too many business out there that are afraid to change their outdated content for fear of an invoice to arrive from their developers. This is not good for the business, nor for the developers.
We learned long ago that clients do not call for help for basically two reasons: they either don’t want an invoice to come in the mail, or they feel like you’re too busy for them and feel like a bother. Yes. That does happen. And, you know what else happens? They’ll silently take their business elsewhere, where they feel supported. The key to any business relationship is communication. Not just calling our clients to ask what they need, but also, our clients need to feel comfortable calling on us for support.
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We discovered that a small support subscription fee automatically billed monthly to a company debit or credit card, for a certain amount of time, for different services, was a good solution. Because clients pay us a small fee each month, they have no issue calling us for support, and best of all, no invoice at the end of the month. The web support subscription allows small businesses to have a reliable web and IT person at their service without having to pay salaries or benefits. The best reason to subscribe, is that your website hosting fees are included in your support subscription. What? Yeah! Get your website hosted for free while receiving support each month to keep it fresh! It’s truly a win-win.
A 30-minute support plan would be ideal if you need support just once in a while. Perhaps you need enough time for a monthly site visit and remote tech support. In that case, a 120-minute support subscription would work. Support is provided via, phone, text, site-visits or even training videos, customized just for your business.
Website support is only a part of the pie. There’s Client Relations Management, (CRM) for sending newsletters and building your contact lists, and support with SEO, Social Media PPC and eMarketing.
Whether you need to update an existing website, step up your SEO, or just trying to get the word out about a brand new business, we’ve made it easy to choose the kind of support you will need.